John's Blog

Why start a blog?

I have always enjoyed writing. It helps me clarify my thinking. When I need to figure out what I really think about something, I write. For example, what do I think about X business? Should I buy the stock? Or what should I tell X client about their tax return this year? I write to figure it out.

Writing is also my favorite form of communication. If I write to someone they can always go back and look at it whenever they want. Maybe they didn't understand it at first, they can just reread it. Maybe what I wrote to someone wasn't important that day, whenever they need it, they have it. Writing gives your ideas and thoughts incredible leverage.

Well okay, I like writing, but why share my writing online?

Hopefully sharing online will lead me to write more.

But more importantly, I also hope to meet and connect with like-minded people.

As an example, I am passionate about investing but I don't work in the industry so it can be difficult to find people to discuss stocks with. I have attended the Berkshire Hathaway Meeting in Omaha three times now and every time I leave I think wow I need to find more people like this.

The fact that I could potentially meet a client or a fellow investor just by writing online is pretty remarkable. The internet has made this possible. It seems silly that I shouldn't try and take advantage of it, especially doing something I enjoy anyway. I know blogging is not new but better to start now than never!

For a list of other reasons check out this great article